Kathleen Wonders an introspective life of wonder and meaning
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Kathleen Wonders Co

Creative cards, printables, stickers, art, and more by Kathleen Wonders Co on Etsy.


Make the most of your day with this colorful planner!

Phone Wallpapers

You look at your phone more than your own face in a day. Keep your wallpapers fresh, positive, and uplifting!

Digital Stickers/Clipart

Own a planner, journal, or scrapbook? Use these stickers to make them pop! Also useful for any arts and crafts project!

Printable e-cards

Who says the art of writing letters is gone? Send a digital e-card or print these out and express yourself through these colorful and creative cards!

Have a specific idea in mind or want to personalize a card? I accept commissions and design requests! Contact me here.