It’s so easy to get caught up in all our thoughts, especially with everything going on around right now. But if we don’t allow ourselves to take a break, all that stuff in our heads might just overwhelm us. So allow yourself to step back and relax your mind with some of these tips.
Note that there’s something here for everyone—whether you’re pressed for time or have the luxury of it. This is the second part of my Relax series, and you can check the other parts, Relax Your Body, Relax Your Heart, and Relax Your Soul.
Drink tea
This is one of my favorite ways to relax and I love it because I can do it while I’m working or reading. Drinking tea calms me down and grounds me. There is some research that tea can reduce stress and improve your mood, so if you haven’t opened your eyes to the wonders of tea, you might want to reconsider.
Two big bonuses for me are: it makes me drink more water and satiates my sugar cravings. Since some of the teas I drink are a little sweet, I no longer reach for dessert and settle for guilt-free goodness instead. If you’re also a teaholic, check out these 5 relaxing teas for your self-care breaks!
Related: Teas That Power You Through The Day
Play some music to relax your mind
A quick fix to that gloomy mood or noise in your headspace is some calm and soothing music. Back when I was a child, my grandparents had some CDs of nature sounds like rainforests and humpback whales. They would play it whenever they wanted to relax and I always felt it worked. Skeptical? This article from the University of Central Florida shows a cool visualization on how each part of our brain responds to music–and that includes reducing stress and pain.
Up to now, I listen to music to relax my mind, playing ocean waves while I write in my gratitude journal and meditative beats while doing yoga. Here’s a link to some of my favorite Spotify playlists for work, meditation, or just plain chilling.
Related: Relaxing Playlists with No Lyrics on Spotify
One way to relax your mind is to read books or poetry. This is a way to escape from the worries of the day and dive into a whole new world. I read a few chapters a day of fiction (my favorite type of books and the best for relaxing, in my opinion). I feel relaxed immediately and immerse myself fully in the experience of the story.
When reading, we also gain insights to our own situation or feelings, and this can help us feel less stressed about where we’re currently at. We may also discover new things or solutions to some of our problems, which can be very fulfilling.
If you’re pressed for time, you can do this during your lunch break, potty break, or whatever breaks you give yourself in between working and doing household chores. You can also read poems which are short yet can improve your mood and mindset just the same! Here are some I wrote.
Even if you say you’re not an artist or have no talent for drawing, you may find that doodling on a blank piece of paper can be super relaxing. It’s a way to express all your inner thoughts or just some pent-up creativity inside. It also takes your mind off whatever is stressing you out.
If you feel like drawing just isn’t for you, tap into your inner child and color instead. It can definitely shake some of the stress away. There’s a reason why all those adult coloring books have sold like hotcakes recently.
Note that you don’t need to show anyone your art if you’re not comfortable! Just draw/doodle/color away for the sheer joy of it, not to display or show off to anyone.
Write to relax your mind
Sometimes there are just so many thoughts in your head that it would be great to have an outlet to let some of them go. Writing these down in a journal or diary can be just the thing. Whenever you’re feeling angry, stressed, or overwhelmed, write it down.
The thoughts you put into words can be poems, letters, or even lists. If you’re feeling poetic, write a few verses expressing your mind. Address a letter to yourself or to someone if you want to tell them something. You might find that sending a letter can be soothing!
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During those times that you feel there is so much to do, jot them down into a list. Transforming those tasks into tiny bullets makes them so much easier to tackle. It also saves you from the task of remembering all of them. To help you get organized, get this printable Pastel Daily Planner which comes in 5 different colors.
Before you shut this down as some newfangled nonsense, hear me out. There have been many studies that show the benefits of meditation—not the least of which are stress and anxiety reduction.
Taking a few minutes in the day to let those thoughts come and go while just observing in the background can be more helpful than you think. Try doing it midday and see if you can get back to work with a calmer frame of mind.
Scents have been used by humans for different purposes over many decades. Unfortunately, a lot of people ignore the benefits of aromatherapy, dismissing them as spiritual or new-age. There have been a lot of scientific research, however, to prove its many positive effects. Based on this very detailed study on how fragrances affect our psychophysiological activity, we see that they do have an effect on our mental and physical conditions. For example, lavender was shown to have sedative effects, inducing calmness and reducing anxiety and mental stress.
For this tip, I am of course, only recommending to use essential oils, and NOT too much and often. According to this article, you shouldn’t inhale these scents for more than an hour, follow the instructions, and only purchase 100% pure and organic oils free of fillers, pesticides, and synthetic chemicals. It would be best if you consult your doctor on this as well.
With that being said, I can attest to the relaxing effects of aromatherapy, and use a humidifier (this is the one I use) to diffuse oils into the room occasionally for a restful day of yoga. I also use a roll-on oil whenever I feel sick, have a headache, or feel extra stressed. I find that just a few minutes of inhaling these scents can relieve my symptoms.
Take a walk
Taking a walk is another tip to relax your mind. Going outdoors with the wind and sun on your skin can be just the thing to shake those negative thoughts away. A change in the environment often helps us clear our heads.
If possible, walk somewhere with greenery to experience the full benefits of taking a walk. According to this study, walking through green space can put our brains in a meditative state. So go for a walk alone, with your child or pet and just revel in the beauty that is nature.
Rest and relax your mind
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, always make time to relax your mind. I hope by reading this you open your eyes to all the different ways you can do so that don’t have to be too time-consuming or resource-intensive. Our brains work 24/7, so taking care of it shouldn’t be an optional thing, but a priority. Try one of these methods or share your own tips in the comments below!
If you liked this, check out more relaxation tips here.
Relax Your Heart: Relax Series Part 3
Relax Your Body: Relax Series Part 1
Relax Your Soul: Relax Series Part 4