Once upon a time
Cinderella did exist
Flying was a common thing
The Hundred-Acre Wood
was just around the corner
And dreams were not separate
from reality

Once upon a time
Barbie was my playmate
Mars was just a rocket away
And happy endings weren’t just

But that was once upon a time
This is now
Play time is over
Toys have to be put away
Cinderella has become a mere fairy tale
Flying is limited to superheroes in movies
The Hundred-Acre Wood is just a cartoon
And dreams are painfully
different from reality.

Barbie is plastic and inanimate
Mars is light years away
And happy endings have become nonexistent

So this is what it is to grow old
Outgrowing childish things
Accepting the reality at hand:
Viruses, bills, and pseudo-wars
Reluctantly refusing to dream
Of castles and pirates
Because one must absolutely
Stay grounded on reality
Because one is simply too old
For juvenile games and aspirations
Because one is now an “adult”

So this is what it is
To say goodbye
To Peter Pan

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